Firefox 21 download for mac
Firefox 21 download for mac

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Click on the Firefox menu and select Preferences….The Firefox PKCS11 driver has now been installedįollow these steps to enable Firefox to use CAC Enter your administrative username and password then click the Install Software button.Double click on the keychain-pkcs11-0.9.5.pkg.Download the current release (as of this writing is keychain-pkcs11-0.9.5.pkg).Follow these steps to install and enable the CAC driver for use in Firefox: In the search field, type in security.enterprise, then double click on the Preference Name security.enterprise_roots.enabled to toggle the value from false to trueįirefox requires the use of a driver (PKCS11) in order to use the CAC with DoD Sites.In the address bar type in about:config and press Return on your keyboard.To enable Firefox to trust your macOS trusted certificates, follow these steps: Beginning with version 60, Mozilla makes available an advanced setting to force Firefox to use the systems trusted root store, and by extension the DoD root certificates that were installed via configuration profile. Instead Firefox maintains it's own trusted root store. Unlike other browsers, Firefox by default does not use macOS builtin system trusted certificates. Installation of NDU DoD Root Certificate Configuration ProfileĮnabling System Root Trust Store for Firefox.Completion of Enabling CAC Support for macOS.Firefox 60 or greater, or Firefox Extended Support Release 60.

firefox 21 download for mac

Additional configuration steps are needed to enable CAC support.

firefox 21 download for mac

Unlike other third party applications, Firefox on macOS does not natively support the use of CAC.

Firefox 21 download for mac how to#

This article will detail how to enable CAC support in Firefox for macOS.

Firefox 21 download for mac